
3/4 Year Old Class

Tuesday & Thursday     11:30-1:00


3/4 Year Old Class

Tuesday & Thursday     11:30-1:00

Step 1 of 4

Registration Letter

Dear Parents,

        I am so excited that it’s time to register for Preschool. I have enclosed the registration form for you to fill out. Please fill out the form and send it back to me with the one-time supply fee of $110.00. This will secure your child’s spot in preschool and cover all of your child’s supplies for the year. This one-time fee is non-refundable. Please make your check payable to: Kymm Shaw. I would appreciate it if you could send the registration form back to me by January 31st . I will also need a current copy of your child’s immunization records. It is very important that I receive their immunization with the registration form. I would love a picture of your child as well. I like to decorate my bulletin board in September with pictures of their bright smiling faces. It doesn’t have to be a professional picture. I actually prefer an action shot, so I can see their cute personality. If you no longer intend on having your child attend my school, please let me know now, so that this spot can be given to another child on my waiting list. Thank you!


         The first day of school will be on Tuesday, September 2nd, at 11:30 a.m. Please mark your calendar now for the first day of school. I would love to have one parent attend the first day of school with your child. This will give you and your child time to adjust. I love to meet you as much as I do your child. Your child will go down to the preschool and have a story read to them, do a little craft, and have a yummy treat with all their new preschool friends. This gives me the opportunity to go over the policies, procedures, and all the other need to know stuff with you. This is a great time for you to ask me questions as well. The first day of school will last about 40 minutes.


        I have parents ask what they can do to best prepare their child for preschool. A couple of things you can work on this summer is teaching your child how to hold a pencil correctly, and provide your child with many opportunities to develop their fine motor skills necessary to manipulate scissors. Here are a few examples; have them tear paper, play with lacing beads, lacing cards, squeezing clay or play doh, squeeze clothes pins, use a paper puncher, and manipulate sock or paper bag puppets. These types of activities help strengthen those little finger muscles. Please make sure that your child is fully potty trained and that they can use the restroom by themselves.


        I am looking forward to getting to know you and your child. The best part about my job is getting to know all the new faces and getting to see the ones I already know and love again. Thank you so much for sharing your child with me. It is so important to me that preschool is a fun and pleasurable experience for both you and your child. I will send out a letter for you and a countdown chart with stickers for your child to get them excited for preschool.


Your child’s preschool days and times:
Tuesday & Thursday 11:30-1:00
Monthly tuition is $100.00 a month.

Always feel free to contact me if you have any questions before school starts:
Mobile: 208-709-0824


Thank you,

Kymm Shaw
1860 Cabellaro Dr.
Ammon, Id 83406


    Remember to have the following sent to me by January 31st:
  • - Completed Registration form
  • - Copy of Immunization Records
  • - Picture of your child
  • - $110.00 One time supply/registration fee written out to: Kymm Shaw